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LkSG Module
lawcode Suite
System settings
Users management
HinSchG module (Hintbox)
Your first steps with the whistleblower module (Hintbox)
Submitting information as a stakeholder or compliance Manager
Processing a note
Subsidiary management
Rights & roles
User management
General system settings
Categories & Process steps
Legal texts
E-Mail texts
System restore
User Profil
Text editor
Event log
Restore password
Dynamic form
Dynamic form for basic Hintbox
Single Sign On (SSO) Configuration
LkSG Module
Dynamic form
User management
Risk categories
Global fields
User profil
Client Management
Forms management
Email texts
Basic settings
Initial registration
Forgotten password
Own business reporting
Rights & Roles
Valuation method
Materiality mapping
Forms management
Dynamic form
User management
Data points
Back to home
LkSG Module
lawcode Suite
System settings
Users management
HinSchG module (Hintbox)
Your first steps with the whistleblower module (Hintbox)
Submitting information as a stakeholder or compliance Manager
Processing a note
Subsidiary management
Rights & roles
User management
General system settings
Categories & Process steps
Legal texts
E-Mail texts
System restore
User Profil
Text editor
Event log
Restore password
Dynamic form
Dynamic form for basic Hintbox
Single Sign On (SSO) Configuration
LkSG Module
Dynamic form
User management
Risk categories
Global fields
User profil
Client Management
Forms management
Email texts
Basic settings
Initial registration
Forgotten password
Own business reporting
Rights & Roles
Valuation method
Materiality mapping
Forms management
Dynamic form
User management
Data points
LkSG Module
In this chapter you will learn everything about our LkSG module of the lawcode Suite.
Dynamic form
What is the dynamic form?
What are steps?
How can I create a step?
How can I change the sequence of steps?
How can I edit a step?
How can I translate a step?
How can I delete a step?
How can I create a step as an address form?
How can I create a step as a Pop-Up?
What are fields?
What is a label field?
What is a simple input field?
What is a number input field?
What is a multiline input field?
What is a selection field?
What is a checkbox?
What is a radio button?
What is the date selection?
What is the file upload?
How can I add a field?
How can I edit a field?
How can I translate a field?
How can I delete a field?
What are dependencies?
How can I create a dependency for a step?
How can I delete a dependency from a step?
How can I create a dependency for a field?
How can I delete a dependency from a field?
See more
What are Indices?
How can I create an Index?
How can I adjust the weighting of an index?
How can I delete an Index?
How can I add a form to an index?
See more
What is the dashboard?
What is the Dashboard?
How can I navigate to the suite?
What is the supplier status?
What is the total risk score?
What is the risk supplier?
What is the supplier selection process?
What are outstanding remedies & tasks?
How can I navigate to the homepage?
See more
User management
How can I create a user?
How can I edit a user?
How can I delete a user?
How can I create a new supplier?
How can I edit a supplier?
How can I import suppliers?
How can I delete a supplier?
How can I view my suppliers?
How can I edit the suppliers overview?
How can I reset a form?
See more
Risk categories
What are risk categories?
How can I create a new risk category?
How can I edit a risk category?
How can I delete a risk category?
Global fields
What are global fields?
How can I create a global field?
How can I translate a global field?
How can I edit a global field?
How can I integrate a global field in the standard supplier form?
How can I delete a global field?
See more
User profil
How can I activate the 2-factor authentication?
What is the user profile?
How can I change my profile?
How can I change my password?
How can I change my profile picture?
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Client Management
What is the client management?
How can I create a subsidiary?
How can I edit a subsidiary?
Forms management
What are forms?
What is the standard supplier form?
How can I create a form?
How can I import a form?
How can I edit a form?
How can I translate a form?
How can I rename a form?
How can I export a form?
How can I activate a form?
How can I delete a form?
See more
Email texts
What are Email texts?
How can I translate an email text?
How can I edit an email text?
How can I transfer content?
What are parameters?
See more
What are the legislation?
How can I edit a legal text?
How can I transfer a legal text in another language?
How can I translate a legal text?
Basic settings
What are the basic settings?
How can I edit the company name?
How can I add a company logo?
How can I delete a company logo?
How can I delete a company font?
How can I add a banner photo?
How can I delete a banner photo?
How can I adjust the company color?
How can I add a company font?
How can I take over the suite settings?
See more
Initial registration
How can I register for the first time?
How can I log in to the Supplier Manager as an existing customer?
Forgotten password
How can I reset my password?
Own business reporting
What is the own business division?
How can I create a self-assessment?
How can I edit a self assessment?
How can I delete a self assessment?
How can I add a form to a self assessment?
How can I delete a form from a self assessment?
How can I add a BAFA report form?
How can I create a self assessment form?
See more
What is reporting?
How can I edit a filter?
How can I deactivate a filter?
How can I delete a filter?
How can I add a report?
How can I delete a filter group?
How can I add a filter group?
See more
Rights & Roles
What are the rights in Supplier Manager?
Valuation method
What is the valuation method?
How is a workflow calculated?
How can I add an element?
How can I edit elements?
What is the element configure indices?
What is the element when-block?
How can I rearrange elements?
How can I delete elements?
What are forms in the valuation method?
How can I activate a workflow?
How can I select forms to attach?
How can I remove forms from the attachment?
See more
What is the web crawler?
What is the EUDR?
How can I create a own product?
How can I edit my own product?
How can I delete a own product?
How can I edit a supplier products?
How can I delete supllier products?
What are the EUDR raw materials?
How can I add a batch to a product?
How can I import products?
See more