How can I create a step?

In this chapter we will explain how to create a new step.

To create a step, first navigate to the form management.

Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 17.25.37

Click on the editing pencil next to the relevant form.

open form scm

Click on Add step.

Add step

A dialog will open. Fill in the relevant fields and tick the required checkboxes.

Title: Each step has a title, which is displayed to the whistleblower when the case is submitted.

Add as address form: If a step is a contact step, you can also use the input fields (first name, last name, e-mail, telephone number, street, house number, city, country).

Visibility: Only one visible step is displayed to the whistleblower when the case is submitted.

Pop-up: A pop-up step is displayed in the case submission as a small information window.

Dependencies: Steps can also be set in relation to each other.

add step

Click Save.

Add step save

The step has been created and can be filled with fields. What are fields and how can they be added to a step? You can find out more here.

Create a step added

Save the form.

Save form