How can I overwrite the forwarding for the legal notice, privacy policy and contact from the footer?

In this chapter, we will show you how to overwrite the redirect for the legal notice, privacy policy and contact.

In the navigation on the left side, click System > General.

System Settings General


Click on routes.Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 09.19.36

The setting can either be made granularly in the Hintbox or applied to all modules via the Suite Settings.

If you only want to make the setting for the Hintbox, click on the checkbox and then on Save.Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 09.20.11

On this page you can overwrite some standard routes of the whistleblower system. You can use this, for example, to refer to your own imprint provided under a separate domain with the link to the imprint included in the whistleblower system.

If no value is entered in a field, a reference is made to the imprint stored in the whistleblower system. You can adjust its content via the menu item 'Legal texts'.Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 09.18.58

When the links are inserted, the change must be saved.

Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 09.18.25