How can I not allow anonymity?

In this chapter we explain how anonymity cannot be permitted.

To prevent the submission of an anonymous report, you must change the following sections.

Customize legal texts

First navigate to the legal texts and customize the following legal texts:
  • Notes on reporting violations
  • Data protection information for the reporting system
  • Legal information on the use of the whistleblower system
    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.07.45

    Click on the editing pencil next to the legal text Notes on reporting violations.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.08.37

    Edit the text accordingly and click on save. If you have several languages, translate them.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.09.12

    Repeat this for the texts Information on reporting violations, Legal information on using the whistleblower system, Information on report received.

    Adjust form

    Then click on the form management.

    Navigation Form Management

    Click on the editing pencil next to the relevant form.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 16.49.18

    Navigate to your data.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.10.22

    Click on the editing pencil.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.10.59

    Customize the text there. If you have several languages, translate them. Then click on Save.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.11.36

    Edit each piece of contact information that you want to make mandatory. To do this, click on the editing pencil for the relevant contact information.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.12.13

    Click on this field is mandatory.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.12.47

    Save the change.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.13.15
    Repeat this step for all other contact data that you want to make mandatory.

    Then navigate to the Note step.
    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.13.52

    Click on the editing pencil there.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.14.26

    Customize the text there. If you have several languages, translate them. Then click on Save.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.14.59

    Save the entire form.

    Screenshot 2025-01-05 at 18.15.29