How can I activate the 2-factor authentication?

In this chapter we will explain how to activate the 2-factor authentication.

To change the profile, click on the icon at the top right of the dashboard.

Profil Settings

Click on Change profile in the list.

Choose Profil settings

If you want to protect your account additionally, you can do this via the 2-factor authentication. If you log in to your Hintbox account, you will be sent a code to your email address that you must enter to log in.


To enable 2-factor authentication, check the blue box.

2factor authentification on

Then click Save.

2factorauthentification save

At the next login, enter your login data as usual.


In the next step you will receive your code on your e-mail address with which you have registered in the Hintbox.

Authentification code

This code is now valid for 5 minutes.

If the time is exceeded, you can request a new code via Resend code.

Authentification code resend

Do you want to deactivate the 2-factor authentication again. Click the blue check mark again.

2factor authentification on

After that you will have to re-enter a code you received by mail to deactivate this function.

Authentification code